How to Join as Editor of the Editorial Board?

If you are a scientist who looking to contribute your expertise to the scientific community and you would like to collaborate with other members of the international editorial board, you might be a perfect fit for the USEFUL journal Editorial Board.

Main tasks of editors.
Editor is a professional who reviews articles/publications, communicate with authors, reviewers, and other editorial board members. An editor writes some editorials, news, and research. Also, an editor does technical editing of manuscripts.

Who can join?
If you have a qualification as any bachelors, masters, Ph.D., Post Doc., then you can join with our editorial board.

With our community you can get a some benefits.
Your name, bio, photo, contact details will be listed in the editorial board page ou our website. Being a member of our editorial board you can send your articles and publication details, conference photos to highlight in our e-news for the subscribers.

You can get a cash compensation (honorarium) for working with paid services. In this case, we remunerate our editors by "useful points".
You can collect "useful points" by agreeing to edit an article/publication, speedy decisions. We will provide full condition before launch paid services, approximately until November 01, 2018.

Apply now by completing a form below to join as editor of editorial board.