Non-Exclusive Distribution License

By signing and submitting this license “the author” grants to DSpace at included The web portal (DUA) the non- exclusive right to reproduce and distribute your submission in electronic format via the World Wide Web, as well as the right to migrate or convert your submission, without alteration of the content, to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation and/or continued distribution.

DUA acknowledges that this is a non-exclusive license; any copyrights in the submission remain with the author or other copyright holder and subsequent uses of the submitted material by that person(s) are not restricted by this license.

The author agrees that DUA may keep more than one copy of this submission for purposes of security, backup and preservation.

The author represents that the submission covered by this license is his/her original work and that he/she has the right to grant this license to DUA.

The author further represents that the submission does not, to the best of his/her knowledge, infringe upon any third-party’s copyright. If the submission contains material for which the author does not hold copyright, the author represents that he/she has obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright holder to grant this license to DUA, and that such third-party material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission. In the event of a subsequent dispute over the copyrights to material contained in this submission, the author agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DUA and its employees or agents for any uses of the material authorized by this license.

If this submission is based upon work that has been sponsored or supported by any agency or organization other than The web portal, the author represents that he/she has fulfilled any right of review or other obligation required by contract or agreement with the supporting entity.

DUA will make the submission available to the public using a Creative Commons Attribution License ( accompanied by a copyright statement indicating the author’s continuing rights.

DUA will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the author’s name remains clearly associated with the submission and that no alterations of the content are made.